- What product/service does The Next Play offer?
One-on-one leadership and development coaching for women athletes. We believe that one-on-one coaching is the optimal way to realize results and create personal impact. We’re also developing tools & resources for athletes who may want to start smaller or do not have the time or access to resources for coaching just yet.
- Who is this for?
Women athletes of all levels and stages of their careers, ages 18 and older. This includes college, amateur, and professional athletes. Next Play coaching can be made available through college athletic departments, professional associations, or on an individual basis.
- What is Next Play Coaching?
Coaching is a one-on-one, thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential. It’s confidential and entirely focused on YOU as the expert in your own life. Your coach will ask you questions that will help you think deeply and choose clearly.
- What’s the difference between a Mentor and Coach?
Generally speaking, mentors advise based on their own experience and career path. While we think this can be helpful, we also think that a “be like me” orientation can pose limitations, particularly in a fast-paced and changing world. On the other hand, Next Play Coaches encourage you to “be like you.” They are certified, credentialed, and experienced partners who lead you through self-discovery, visioning, and planning.
- Is this career development?
Our objective in a Next Play Coaching session may or may not be related to obtaining an internship, job, or other career development practices. While your coach will challenge you to think big about your choices, she will know when to guide you to other resources to help you write your resume, choose courses, and/or apply for jobs.
- Who are The Next Play Coaches?
The Next Play coaches are certified, ICF (International Coach Federation) credentialed and experienced professional coaches.
- What can I expect in a coaching engagement?
You’ll schedule sessions that last up to an hour and you’ll meet with your coach remotely (via Skype, FaceTime, or Phone). Together, you’ll brainstorm about and agree on an agenda that is compelling and unique to you. You.r coach will help you determine what areas you’d like to focus on: What do you want to achieve? Learn? What matters most today? Your coach will work alongside you to uncover and build the skills, mindsets, and beliefs that will allow you to create and follow the path you want. You can expect every session to have a beginning, middle, and end, but other than that, every session will be different and yours to use as you choose.
- What’s the commitment?
Meet your coach one-on-one in a virtual setting (phone, Skype, FaceTime, or other web-based platform). We recommend a minimum of 2 sessions in the first month of your participation, but after that scheduling can be customized based on your needs. You will decide with your coach the best days and times to meet. You’ll both sign an agreement about how you’ll work together, and remember, it’s all confidential. We’ll ask you to complete a short, confidential survey at the beginning and end of your coaching that will help us strengthen our services and study the impact of The Next Play.
- What makes a good candidate?
The Next Play coaching will be the most beneficial to any woman athlete who: Is open to change, interested in learning more about herself, and is curious and willing to try something new; Is motivated to succeed, and will be committed to the process; Wants to create a compelling vision for her life, and is willing to experiment with new ways of thinking, doing, and being in order to get there.
- Can I purchase Next Play coaching for someone else?
Yes, you can sponsor or provide scholarships for an athlete or group of athletes. Participation and engagement, however, depends on the individual athlete. Being a sponsor or scholarship patron means you’re investing in the future of women, but the commitment and context of the coaching is always up to the individual athlete and kept confidential by her coach.
- How many Next Play coaching sessions do you recommend?
We recommend a minimum of 3 months, with an ideal timeframe for an engagement of around 6 months. We’ve found that this time period allows our participants to create meaningful impact and experience lasting results. A deep dive into self-discovery with the goal of experiencing transformation typically doesn’t happen overnight; we want to make sure you have enough time to fully explore and realize your potential.